NeedleWorks Galore

This is my story. I love creativity - whether it be sewing, quilting, embroidery, knitting, photography, or nature. Woodworking has always interested me. I am a widow of two years who is learning to create a new life and a new me. I have would probably have a whole menagerie of pets if I didn't stop myself. I am a child of God, learning to live my life for him in a way that pleases him. I hope by sharing a bit of my day to day story, someone will be blessed.

Friday, September 14, 2012


It is only 8:30 a.m. and I have already cleaned the kitchen, run the dishwasher, washed my windows, changed my bed, walked the dog, perused the news and made a list for the rest of today------gotta love getting up at 4:30. Normally I don't get up until 5:00. Don't ask why I get up at that unearthly hour, I have all my life. Guess I am truly a morning person. I have more energy, ambition and my mood is great. I think it is because I happen to love sunrise, the early morning smells and watching all the animals go by my window on their way to start their day. I get inspired by them and think how God would want me to be busy just like they are. So, I tend to do all my housework, etc. before I go to work in the morning. I don't have a long commute in length, but because of construction season, it sometimes takes me about an hour in the morning, so I leave just before 8:00 for a 9:00 start time. Conversely, I get off at 2:00 and am home by 2:30 or so. As, my husband would say, I still have half a day to do whatever I want. It works for me - probably doesn't work for some one else.

I do have great plans for my three day weekend. I will finish up some other chores, then I will be sewing and finishing up some items for my soon to be born grandson. I need to get his stuff done as he is due on October 1st. I'm thinking I better get my bum in gear as in just a couple of weeks I will get to meet him - finally! I can hardly wait to hold him and kiss his downy little head and smell those awesome baby smells. Oh what Joy!

I will post pictures as soon as I finish some of the items. So have a great weekend. Ours is going to be warm and wonderful.


Monday, September 3, 2012

Gotta Love Fall

Earlier last week we were in the 34C with a humidex making it feel ike 43C now today we are at about 25C. It always seems to surprise me when that temperature change comes. I will not turn down the cooler nights. I love sleeping with the window open and hearing all the wildlife settle down for the night and then start their day. I wish I lived in the bush. I dislike plane, train and automobile noise. When I left the city behind, some of that is gone i.e. the plane noise. The train noise is till there, but at least there isn't a train going by every twenty minutes like in the city and it is kind of neat to hear it coming down the tracks in the middle of the night. As for automobiles well I guess they will almost always be around as everything from cars, trucks, quads etc. are always going somewhere. The first of the geese arrived about three weeks ago - much too early for here. Along with that, the last week of July I started seeing the leaves start turning a fall. I guess it is going to be an early winter here on the Prairies. I will however, be doing more walking to see the beauty of the colours.

As I have my condo up for sale, I haven't been too creative. I know, I always seem to have an excuse for not working on something. The last two years have been hectic and I came to realize that since Glenn passed away, I really haven't felt like being creative. He was my biggest supporter and I think that is why. I do have a new grandson on the way and a quilt is to be expected along with a few other things, so I best get busy. Christmas is a comin' also, and I usually like to have a few things done up for gifts.

This week I plan to get busy on these very things.

Have a good week.
