NeedleWorks Galore

This is my story. I love creativity - whether it be sewing, quilting, embroidery, knitting, photography, or nature. Woodworking has always interested me. I am a widow of two years who is learning to create a new life and a new me. I have would probably have a whole menagerie of pets if I didn't stop myself. I am a child of God, learning to live my life for him in a way that pleases him. I hope by sharing a bit of my day to day story, someone will be blessed.

Friday, September 14, 2012


It is only 8:30 a.m. and I have already cleaned the kitchen, run the dishwasher, washed my windows, changed my bed, walked the dog, perused the news and made a list for the rest of today------gotta love getting up at 4:30. Normally I don't get up until 5:00. Don't ask why I get up at that unearthly hour, I have all my life. Guess I am truly a morning person. I have more energy, ambition and my mood is great. I think it is because I happen to love sunrise, the early morning smells and watching all the animals go by my window on their way to start their day. I get inspired by them and think how God would want me to be busy just like they are. So, I tend to do all my housework, etc. before I go to work in the morning. I don't have a long commute in length, but because of construction season, it sometimes takes me about an hour in the morning, so I leave just before 8:00 for a 9:00 start time. Conversely, I get off at 2:00 and am home by 2:30 or so. As, my husband would say, I still have half a day to do whatever I want. It works for me - probably doesn't work for some one else.

I do have great plans for my three day weekend. I will finish up some other chores, then I will be sewing and finishing up some items for my soon to be born grandson. I need to get his stuff done as he is due on October 1st. I'm thinking I better get my bum in gear as in just a couple of weeks I will get to meet him - finally! I can hardly wait to hold him and kiss his downy little head and smell those awesome baby smells. Oh what Joy!

I will post pictures as soon as I finish some of the items. So have a great weekend. Ours is going to be warm and wonderful.


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