Yesterday, I had the privilege of looking after my two youngest grandsons, which was very a very enjoyable way to spend the day. Little P at four months has learned to put his soother in his mouth albeit upside down. He also is growing so fast, that a bit of cereal came into the mix this past week. Lunch was banana and rice cereal. The first few minutes were filled with odd facial expressions, then it clicked in his little mind and away we went. He is so filled with smiles, chuckles and belly laughs these days. When he goes down for a nap, well he just does it. Not like his siblings who fought sleep to the bitter end. Little Z and I had some fun playing on the IPad and doing some other quiet type things. At three he already knows that most of the games he wants to play on the IPad cost money. Mom and Dad have explained to him that the free ones are fine and they will not be spending any money for any more games. This makes the rest of us fair game in his eyes, so almost the first words out of his mouth was "Grandmom do you have any money today"? I did not cave and am very happy to see that my grandchildren are being brought up to understand that they will not get everything they ask for, that money does not grow on trees, how to break down their allowance into giving, saving, and then using a bit of it for their needs. Thank you Gail Van-Oxlade for your wonderful show that has taught all of us so much.
Today's mission is to find a child size Hawaiian shirt - in the middle of the prairies, in the dead of winter. At the best of times I have not seen any even in the Op. shops. I do have some fabric that will pass for a Hawaiian print, so may end up sewing one. I also need to get her sunglasses and a lei. Mom and Dad are away on their honeymoon - ten years later. It may be dicey trying to claw her from the clutches of her two most favourite care givers -- her aunty and her nanny. We'll see, it may be just grandmom doing all the running around.
This weekend I plan to continue my quest to get all my stitchy, quilty stuff organized. I have been working on this for a couple of years now. Some quilt fabric has been sitting on a table for a few months and I need to figure that out. Some of it, I have bundled it into how I will use it for quilts. The rest I just haven't got that far yet. On the stitching side. At one point I had the patterns, the fabric and the threads all together in project bags. That did not work as then when I needed the thread for some other project, I could never find it. Hence lots of doubles. Last year when Coni at Spinster Stitcher showed pictures of her studio, I kind of liked some of the ideas she had. Well, I high tailed it too Michael's and bought one of those things that has drawers and open cubbies to store items and a twirly round gizmo on top where you use those little clips with the S hook at the top to clip to the thread cards and then the thread hangs down. Nice to look at, not nice when most of the thread I have is too long to hang and thereby the hooks fall off all the time. In the past I used over the door clothing hooks. I put the thread cards on rings and then hung them on the hooks. For me that works the best and I will go back to that for some threads. I will use Coni's system for some of my silk threads that come in hanks instead of on cards. My issue was all that DMC floss. I don't understand why I have so much, especially when I am not a big fan of cross stitch. Can't stand all the thread changes. I am more of a hardanger, canvaswork type person. However, I do like mixed media type work so think that is why the floss collection grows. Anyway, I have gone to the stitchbow system where the thread is put in the bows, then in a plastic sleeve then into a binder. I have some 3" binders that Glenn had used for his hockey that I have re-purposed for the floss. All the perle cotton is safely inside some of those Martha Stewart paper holders that have lids. Works like a charm. I also use those for my Krenicke, Trebizond, etc. I am almost to the point where I feel I can actually allow myself to get back into working on the actual projects.
The day is slipping away so I best finish this post and get on with today's life.
Yesterday, I had the privilege of looking after my two youngest grandsons, which was very a very enjoyable way to spend the day. Little P at four months has learned to put his soother in his mouth albeit upside down. He also is growing so fast, that a bit of cereal came into the mix this past week. Lunch was banana and rice cereal. The first few minutes were filled with odd facial expressions, then it clicked in his little mind and away we went. He is so filled with smiles, chuckles and belly laughs these days. When he goes down for a nap, well he just does it. Not like his siblings who fought sleep to the bitter end. Little Z and I had some fun playing on the IPad and doing some other quiet type things. At three he already knows that most of the games he wants to play on the IPad cost money. Mom and Dad have explained to him that the free ones are fine and they will not be spending any money for any more games. This makes the rest of us fair game in his eyes, so almost the first words out of his mouth was "Grandmom do you have any money today"? I did not cave and am very happy to see that my grandchildren are being brought up to understand that they will not get everything they ask for, that money does not grow on trees, how to break down their allowance into giving, saving, and then using a bit of it for their needs. Thank you Gail Van-Oxlade for your wonderful show that has taught all of us so much.
Today's mission is to find a child size Hawaiian shirt - in the middle of the prairies, in the dead of winter. At the best of times I have not seen any even in the Op. shops. I do have some fabric that will pass for a Hawaiian print, so may end up sewing one. I also need to get her sunglasses and a lei. Mom and Dad are away on their honeymoon - ten years later. It may be dicey trying to claw her from the clutches of her two most favourite care givers -- her aunty and her nanny. We'll see, it may be just grandmom doing all the running around.
This weekend I plan to continue my quest to get all my stitchy, quilty stuff organized. I have been working on this for a couple of years now. Some quilt fabric has been sitting on a table for a few months and I need to figure that out. Some of it, I have bundled it into how I will use it for quilts. The rest I just haven't got that far yet. On the stitching side. At one point I had the patterns, the fabric and the threads all together in project bags. That did not work as then when I needed the thread for some other project, I could never find it. Hence lots of doubles. Last year when Coni at Spinster Stitcher showed pictures of her studio, I kind of liked some of the ideas she had. Well, I high tailed it too Michael's and bought one of those things that has drawers and open cubbies to store items and a twirly round gizmo on top where you use those little clips with the S hook at the top to clip to the thread cards and then the thread hangs down. Nice to look at, not nice when most of the thread I have is too long to hang and thereby the hooks fall off all the time. In the past I used over the door clothing hooks. I put the thread cards on rings and then hung them on the hooks. For me that works the best and I will go back to that for some threads. I will use Coni's system for some of my silk threads that come in hanks instead of on cards. My issue was all that DMC floss. I don't understand why I have so much, especially when I am not a big fan of cross stitch. Can't stand all the thread changes. I am more of a hardanger, canvaswork type person. However, I do like mixed media type work so think that is why the floss collection grows. Anyway, I have gone to the stitchbow system where the thread is put in the bows, then in a plastic sleeve then into a binder. I have some 3" binders that Glenn had used for his hockey that I have re-purposed for the floss. All the perle cotton is safely inside some of those Martha Stewart paper holders that have lids. Works like a charm. I also use those for my Krenicke, Trebizond, etc. I am almost to the point where I feel I can actually allow myself to get back into working on the actual projects.
The day is slipping away so I best finish this post and get on with today's life.
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