NeedleWorks Galore

This is my story. I love creativity - whether it be sewing, quilting, embroidery, knitting, photography, or nature. Woodworking has always interested me. I am a widow of two years who is learning to create a new life and a new me. I have would probably have a whole menagerie of pets if I didn't stop myself. I am a child of God, learning to live my life for him in a way that pleases him. I hope by sharing a bit of my day to day story, someone will be blessed.

Sunday, March 24, 2013


Sorry, no posts this week. That stomach bug going around is to die for and I don't mean in a good way. I am told that some of us older folk will have lasting effects for a few weeks after. I thought I had protected myself pretty good. Wash hands - check, Use Hand Sanitizer - check, avoid people like the plague -- check --- NOT! My oldest son and family had it, I stayed away. They called for a babysitter, I thought they were over it until I got in their foyer and BOOOOOMMMM! Nicole says, Geoff got it back again this morning. I couldn't think of a polite way out of babysitting and by then I was in the contagious zone. Less than 24 hours later it was game over. I made it to work only one day last week. I still feel tired, and if I eat more than a few morsels at a time, my tummy gets quite bloated. I went to visit some friends yesterday and was so embarrassed as I could not quit burping. Enough sick talk.

Happy Palm Sunday. When I was small, some of the churches called it White Sunday and we all were to bring a tin of food. In those days we were told it would all go overseas to some needy country. Now, if churches still do that, I am certain it goes to the local food banks. I have always loved the story of Jesus riding a donkey. Was sort of disappointed this morning at church - no retelling of the Triumphant entry, no children waving palm branches and singing Hosanna. Just our regular service. Thinking about it, I think the little kids are too small and the medium size ones are too big now. If the parents took the little kids up front, there wouldn't be too many folk in the chairs. Yeah for growing churches. Now starts the march to Good Friday. I can hardly wait to read a bit every day this week, make notes and let the marvel of what God did for us sink in once again. This year I am working through a book by Kay Arthur called When The Hurt Runs Deep. It is one of the most awesome books I have ever studied.

We are going to get warmer temperatures this week - Yay - however, snow will accompany the warming trend three of the next four days. We really don't need more snow. As it is, the Weather guru's in the US have forecast another major flood for the Fargo ND area. If you live north of there you know that all rivers lead to Lake Winnipeg, then on out into James Bay. Needless to say all that water has to come our way and though a month ago, we had not a bad flood forecast, it will be interesting to hear what they say come the 1st of April. I really hope the folks in the western half of North Dakota won't have much flooding - they got hammered pretty good last year. I think it was Minot that most of the town was wiped out. It might be a good time to remind you all - DON'T BUILD WHERE IT USE TO BE A LAKE! Every year we get a bit of flooding. In the past it was usually a bit of over land flooding. It seems like the past 10 years or so, it is getting worse every year.

Back to church for a minute. We have a couple that if you didn't know they weren't related and married, you would think that they were brother and sister. They are married and have stair step boys. Six months, 1 1/2, 2 1/2, and 3 1/2. They all look identical. I don't know where she gets the outfits, but they all wear the same jeans, the same shirts and the same shoes - too cute. They are the best behaved little guys and such handsome little dudes. It will be interesting to watch them grow up. I think there may be quite a bit of mischief coming up. Mom is up to the challenge though.

Well, that was my week in a nut shell. Maybe some sewing or stitching may happen this week, if so good, if not well that will be okay too.

Enjoy the longer daylight hours, and the warmer temperatures. For you all in warmer climes that can be outside working in the yard - I am so jealous. Of course that jealousy will only last until the first couple of things I rake or dig and I realize just how out of shape I am.



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