NeedleWorks Galore

This is my story. I love creativity - whether it be sewing, quilting, embroidery, knitting, photography, or nature. Woodworking has always interested me. I am a widow of two years who is learning to create a new life and a new me. I have would probably have a whole menagerie of pets if I didn't stop myself. I am a child of God, learning to live my life for him in a way that pleases him. I hope by sharing a bit of my day to day story, someone will be blessed.

Sunday, March 10, 2013


I am going to try an idea that Ilene over at www.the does. She write on her blog all week then posts it near the end of the week. I think I will join her. She actually has two blogs now. This one will more detail about their move to Oklahoma and the changes they are making to the house they bought. The other blog is about the challenges of gardening in what I would assume is much like we have up here in parts of Manitoba sort of a desserty/hardpan/rocky type soil with lots and lots of wind. Hey that could also be like the place I grew up in.

When I was younger, I would think about God's creation and I imagined that each area of the earth would be different and within each country each area would be different. By different I mean that each area would be extremely different - guess I had a wild imagination. God did do that to some extent, but he in his infinite wisdom has areas around the world that are similar. I now understand it has to be this way because of the jet stream, weather patterns etc. I also have experienced many weather pattern changes over the years I have been alive and for a short period of time I fell for the Climate Change idea. Now, I see it fits in with all the other things; wars, disturbances etc. I now believe it is another way God is using to get our attention. I am not knocking the Climate Change thing, but I do firmly believe that God made this earth and because he knows the beginning to the end, he would have taken into account all that human's were going to do to the earth. I firmly believe that if God chooses for the earth to be here for another 1000 years, he is going to be taking care of it and all of our needs and we don't need to worry so much and fight so much over who is wrecking earth. God Is Good - All The Time! I do believe though that to show respect to my wonderful creator, I must take care of my little area and be mindful of what may or may not be a good thing. As he chooses to provide for me, I need to be aware and provide and look after what he has given me. So, if I was living on a farm I would certainly do the grain farming etc, but I would first take a good long look at what God put there and needs to be protected the most. I think that as the world got settled in that those people did this otherwise how would we see and know about all the beautiful flowers, streams, grasses. Yes, some are gone and that totally is human fault. I think we can get back to living in a more down to earth friendly way. Didn't mean to rant about climate change - sorry.

This week was a week of looking back and forward. God has been having me go through a very hard season for the past six months or so. I love Widow's Christian Place and how so often God uses the daily post. Usually they speak to me about whatever God has on my heart. So comforting to know that he uses others in this way and the magical part for me is that these people write these bits sometimes months in advance and don't even know who their writing will touch or how it will work, but as they write and pray God knows who will be touched by their words. God Is Good --All The Time.

I heard a sermon about a month ago speaking on how God works though our layers. These layers will be all the things he wants to either remove or change in our lives. Before I heard this sermon, I couldn't quite figure out why God would touch on one thing and then in rapid succession touch on so many others. After the sermon I realized that he is working on my layers. These layers for me often hinge on the next level and so it just seems like everything is all wrong. I was beginning to doubt God and my faith. That also is a place I did not want to go. However, I prayed that he would continue to work through the layers no matter how much I squirmed. One of the layers is family and how ours seems to not be doing so well. God has brought me to realize a couple of things. One is that we pussy-foot around how Glenn was the buffer in our family. My kids are much like me in ways and we rub each other the wrong way. We need to learn to talk things out and so we are starting to do that. With this we also need to forgive. Saying "Sorry" is not the same as forgiveness and we are slowly learning the difference. Praise God for his mercies. We will be whole again. Another thing is that I had given up on all my dreams. Dreams Glenn and I had together. God allowed me to make some decisions, that I thought were important because they were ones Glenn and I shared. Then everything went wrong - way wrong and I chose to give up. This week there was an awesome post on dreams and goals and not giving up - but allowing God to change them into what he wants. He does have plans for everyone of us. When I look back on our dreams, they just need an adjustment and that is what God is showing me. The journey will go on and it will be good.

This week was also Glenn's birthday. What to do - so we all did nothing, choosing instead to reflect on him and his life. At some point we will all come together with our stories and it will be a wonderful time of sharing.

Back in mid December, I had to put my little buddy down. Roscoe had been with us for 13 years, but his kidneys were failing and he wasn't able to hold it very long. It was time. It was hard. It was a Glenn thing. We all remember him walking the dog, playing catch with him and on occasion taking him for rides. The biggest one was him walking Roscoe and taking the littles to the park. Such hard memories but so gentle at the same time. Fast forward to about six weeks ago, when I decided to get another dog - a puppy. A cute little Shi tzu cross Sheltie. Duncan is a wonderful little dog, so playful, so smart, so good. I was really hoping his fur would be hair and not fur. He got the Sheltie fur-not good for me. I starting getting the allergies right away and kept thinking, I will adjust. But I didn't, so then I took more asthma meds, more nasal spray, more eye drops then added the Reactine. By this last Wednesday, I felt pretty bad and by Friday I knew something was wrong besides the obvious. I checked my blood pressure and it was through the roof and my throat was feeling thick. So, it became my health or the dog. Yesterday, I gave him to his new forever family and I know they will love him to bits. I on the other hand will miss him, but have learned an important lesson and that is listen to what the spirit is saying and God was really telling me to not get a dog. Today I am starting to feel better. This week will be better and hard just as each week has been since Glenn went to his new abode in heaven. I need to remember God Is Good -- All The Time.

May God Bless you all this week.


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