NeedleWorks Galore

This is my story. I love creativity - whether it be sewing, quilting, embroidery, knitting, photography, or nature. Woodworking has always interested me. I am a widow of two years who is learning to create a new life and a new me. I have would probably have a whole menagerie of pets if I didn't stop myself. I am a child of God, learning to live my life for him in a way that pleases him. I hope by sharing a bit of my day to day story, someone will be blessed.

Wednesday, April 3, 2013


I see from the blogs I follow, that not much posting is happening. I am going to assume that with this cold weather just truckin' on, everyone is kinda down in the dumps. Today for the first time I can see that some snow has melted. I am very thankful that they took all of last week and hauled snow off the empty lots and from around the individual houses in our complex. At least it gives us a glimpse of what is to come. We are to get "flurries" the next few days. Having said that though, North Dakota and Minnesota are to get walloped with a large rain storm that will start out as a Colorado Low. We are hoping to only get a passing glimpse of it, but all the same both those states and us here in Manitoba as well as Saskatchewan are really, really hoping it somehow fizzles out. The new flood forecast has us at a pretty full fledged flood and now they are hoping to keep it a bit below 1997 levels. All we can do is pray for no more moisture for the next six weeks.

These are both pictures from January last year. Now, imagine the grass standing up straight and it covering it totally. The grass stands about 4 feet tall. The picture of my rock and spruce tree - well the rock cannot be found this year and the snow is up to where the very top branch is and that is after what melting has taken place. They have now taken some of the snow away so today I can just see the very top of the rock (height of 3 feet) and the tree has only about 1/4 of height under snow now.  I haven't ventured to the provincial park for a walk as I understand there is no where to walk but on the road. All that snow water when it melts flows downhill to my son's old place. I don't know how many hours Glenn spent out there pumping water and driving around the area to see where the drainage pipes had not been opened and then opening them. During the flood of 1997 his basement was full to the rafters of water. I feel for the guy who bought it. Geoff was told later that, the RM had not wanted that land to be built on as if floods every year - but boy did they ever have green grass afterwards and then Glenn spent hours and hours every week mowing it. They had five acres and half was grass. Thank goodness the neighbours used half of it for their horses, otherwise Glenn would have had to retire just to look after their yard, never mind our own.

I have a showing on my house tomorrow. My place has been for sale since last July. It is in the country and so will take some time to sell. Now is the busy time of year so am hoping that soon there will be some action. As I mentioned before there are a couple of people wanting to put offers in, but they have to wait to sell their place. After a couple of years of living first in a larger town and then in the city, my son and daughter-in-law are on the move back to the country. They are planning to come back out this way just more east and on higher ground. They have found a place where a widow is selling her land and it can be subdivided. The smallest they would go is 2 acres. So they are thinking maybe 10 acres and then having my daughter build on part of it - good thinking as she is their main babysitter. She works 12 hour shifts, has much time that accounts for overtime as well as other time that accrues, so she has lots of time off - hence the amount of babysitting she does. She works 7 shifts out of a 2 week period. I was kind of hoping to get in on the action, but today I realized that I don't want to become the main babysitter. I lived with someone my whole life till Glenn died, and even though I am terribly lonely at times, I do enjoy being able to come and go as I please. I don't think I am quite ready to give up that freedom as yet. After all, I still haven't figured out what I want or what God wants me to do with this season of life. I always was a stay at home type person and so now I need to figure out "what my crowd is" as my daughter says. Yes, when I was younger, and up until Glenn died, I did help out a church which I enjoyed, but now I feel pulled somehow elsewhere. Time will tell.

All this talk of flooding reminds me of some TV show that was on a few years back where the grandparents came for a visit. All the grandfather did was watch the weather channel and teach the kids what all those squiggly lines and arrows meant. He was always telling them what great entertainment the weather channel was. Guess we will have a lot of folk watching the weather channel over the next few weeks. So I ask your prayers for them. Some people are still displaced from the flood of 2011 and this may certainly mean they may never get to go "home" again. I know what that feels like as where I grew up, we are not allowed in there at all. People who have homes or have childhood homes where they can go back to visit are so blessed. There are a whole lot of people in the world and not just third world countries who get displaced and it leaves a huge gap in your life. It like a big chunk has been torn from your heart.

So, please pray for all the displaced people this week. They really do need our prayers.

Hugs and blessings to you all.


1 comment:

Ferree Bowman Hardy said...

I don't know if the storm predicted for Colorado and the Dakotas will make it to you. Sounds like the land has had enough already, and I thank you for reminding us to pray for displaced people. Life can change forever in an instant, as you well know. I like hearing the changes you yourself are going through, the decisions to make, the growth. God does have good plans and a future for us.