In the next couple of days I will be moving to a new village within the province of Manitoba. I have enjoyed living where I am right now, but I am thoroughly in love with my new house on my new cul-De-sac. When I open my windows I hear meadow larks, robins, those darn pesky grackles, and a whole bunch of birds who I had forgotten existed. I will miss my daily visit with the foxes, coyotes, deer, rabbits etc. that take their early morning trek through my back yard on their way to the local watering hole, which is a farmers dugout. As I am right on the edge of town and farmers fields, I am going to assume many animals will trek through. Where I am right now, these animals and I had come to the point of having eye contact. They would stop and stare at me through the window and I in turn would stare back, sometimes very quietly saying something I knew they could not hear through the glass and even saying a prayer for their safety. Yes, where animals are concerned I am a big old softy. It comes because I grew up in what I call the silent house. My parents - when they chose to both be living there - never talked to one another - at least not in my presence. I know the communicated, they each knew where each other were and what was up. The farm animals and so some extent the wild animals became my world. God used them to teach me many lessons in life and so when I got to school and learned about the life cycle I could already envision it in my mind. God in his infinite wisdom did that for me with regard to a lot of things. I could watch my aunt create a quilt, hook a rug, work on embroidery and just by watching I got the general idea and so could go on to create and understand the process. Same with cooking, I was a natural. At a very young age I could read a recipe and then just do it. My mother did get me going on the terminology and she had a wonderful cookbook/etiquette book/everything else book that I read almost cover-to-cover. In one of our moves it went missing and I often look at junk-jumble-garage sales and antique stores looking for a replacement. I have never found one. It had all the terminology, recipes, how wash clothes, how to get stains out - almost everything you could imagine. When it came time for brownie badges, well, that is where I learned to set a breakfast table, a luncheon table, and a formal dinner table. Got that badge in good time. Because of what I learned, I have always been an experimenter in the kitchen. I have always had a love for crystal, china - all the fancy stuff. Both my brother and I did a bit of growing up in our community. By that I mean there were times where we had to find shelter for the night. One lady Mrs. Gaskell who often took us in was a lovely woman whose descendants had come from England. She set her table in a marvelous way every day and was a stickler for etiquette. For the most part that is where both B. and I got our manners from. Came to good use when we had to go to business dinners, weddings etc. Her and her husband came very close to being our parent models and they performed admirably. There were other people in the community that took us in when needed and taught us both other skills. The saying that it takes a village to raise a child was certainly true in our case and I am hoping that all these people were truly blessed for what they did for us.
Anyway, once I move, I may or may not be able to have internet. The usual ways are not available out in the boonies. I do have a list of options though. The problem is that I have three blogs and both google and blogger are not great when you change providers. For instance google will only allow me to sign in under an email I had three years ago. I have attached my present email and tried to make it my main one but to no avail. Long story short - if you don't see anything here in a long while, it will mean I have had to start a different blog. Not sure what it will be called. My other two Fleming Fun In The Sun and Living life in the.....Seniors lane will also need to be restarted. I so loved my title for my general life blog. Will have to see what I can do to fix it. Have contacted google and asked questions on blogger but as you all know there appears to be no help. I will try to set up new ones today and will do a post tomorrow about new names etc.
In the next couple of days I will be moving to a new village within the province of Manitoba. I have enjoyed living where I am right now, but I am thoroughly in love with my new house on my new cul-De-sac. When I open my windows I hear meadow larks, robins, those darn pesky grackles, and a whole bunch of birds who I had forgotten existed. I will miss my daily visit with the foxes, coyotes, deer, rabbits etc. that take their early morning trek through my back yard on their way to the local watering hole, which is a farmers dugout. As I am right on the edge of town and farmers fields, I am going to assume many animals will trek through. Where I am right now, these animals and I had come to the point of having eye contact. They would stop and stare at me through the window and I in turn would stare back, sometimes very quietly saying something I knew they could not hear through the glass and even saying a prayer for their safety. Yes, where animals are concerned I am a big old softy. It comes because I grew up in what I call the silent house. My parents - when they chose to both be living there - never talked to one another - at least not in my presence. I know the communicated, they each knew where each other were and what was up. The farm animals and so some extent the wild animals became my world. God used them to teach me many lessons in life and so when I got to school and learned about the life cycle I could already envision it in my mind. God in his infinite wisdom did that for me with regard to a lot of things. I could watch my aunt create a quilt, hook a rug, work on embroidery and just by watching I got the general idea and so could go on to create and understand the process. Same with cooking, I was a natural. At a very young age I could read a recipe and then just do it. My mother did get me going on the terminology and she had a wonderful cookbook/etiquette book/everything else book that I read almost cover-to-cover. In one of our moves it went missing and I often look at junk-jumble-garage sales and antique stores looking for a replacement. I have never found one. It had all the terminology, recipes, how wash clothes, how to get stains out - almost everything you could imagine. When it came time for brownie badges, well, that is where I learned to set a breakfast table, a luncheon table, and a formal dinner table. Got that badge in good time. Because of what I learned, I have always been an experimenter in the kitchen. I have always had a love for crystal, china - all the fancy stuff. Both my brother and I did a bit of growing up in our community. By that I mean there were times where we had to find shelter for the night. One lady Mrs. Gaskell who often took us in was a lovely woman whose descendants had come from England. She set her table in a marvelous way every day and was a stickler for etiquette. For the most part that is where both B. and I got our manners from. Came to good use when we had to go to business dinners, weddings etc. Her and her husband came very close to being our parent models and they performed admirably. There were other people in the community that took us in when needed and taught us both other skills. The saying that it takes a village to raise a child was certainly true in our case and I am hoping that all these people were truly blessed for what they did for us.
Anyway, once I move, I may or may not be able to have internet. The usual ways are not available out in the boonies. I do have a list of options though. The problem is that I have three blogs and both google and blogger are not great when you change providers. For instance google will only allow me to sign in under an email I had three years ago. I have attached my present email and tried to make it my main one but to no avail. Long story short - if you don't see anything here in a long while, it will mean I have had to start a different blog. Not sure what it will be called. My other two Fleming Fun In The Sun and Living life in the.....Seniors lane will also need to be restarted. I so loved my title for my general life blog. Will have to see what I can do to fix it. Have contacted google and asked questions on blogger but as you all know there appears to be no help. I will try to set up new ones today and will do a post tomorrow about new names etc.